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Gold Fame Citrus

Titre en français : Les grumes de la gloire
Auteur :
Vaye Watkins, Claire


Nombre de pages : 352
Dimensions : 13.2 x 2.5 x 19.9 cm
Éditeur : riverrun
Date d'édition : 2017-01

prix TTC :
13,95 €


Desert sands have laid waste to the south-west of America. Las Vegas is buried. California - and anyone still there - is stranded. Any way out is severely restricted. But Luz and Ray are not leaving. They survive on water rations, black market fruit and each other's need. Luz needs Ray, and Ray must be needed. But then they cross paths with a mysterious child, who needs them more than anything - and the thirst for a better life begins. Claire Vaye Watkins's much-anticipated and lauded first novel delivers on her promise as one of America's best new writers.