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Dancing in the Wings

Titre en français : Danser dans les coulisses
Auteur :
Allen, Debbie

Illustrateur : Nelson, Kadir

Nombre de pages : 32
Dimensions : 1.1 x 28.8 x 22.4 cm
Éditeur : Dial Books
Date d'édition : 2000-09

prix TTC :
17,95 €


Sassy worries that her too-large feet, too-long legs, and even her big mouth will keep her from her dream of becoming a star ballerina. So for now she's just dancing in the wings, watching from behind the curtain, and hoping that one day it will be her turn to shimmer in the spotlight. When the director of an important dance festival comes to audition her class, Sassy's first attempts to get his attention are, well, a little wobbly. But Sassy just knows, somehow, that this is her time to step out from those wings, and make her mark on the world.