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The Cleft

Titre en français : La crevasse
Auteur :
Lessing, Doris


Nombre de pages : 260
Dimensions : 1.8 x 20 x 13.5 cm
Éditeur : Harper Perennial
Date d'édition : 2008-01

prix TTC :
15,95 €


In the last years of his life, a Roman senator embarks on one final epic endeavor, a retelling of the history of human creation. The story he relates is the little-known saga of the Clefts, an ancient community of women with no knowledge of nor need for men. Childbirth was controlled through the cycles of the moon, and only female offspring were born—until the unanticipated event that jeopardized the harmony of their close-knit society: the strange, unheralded birth of a boy.