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Call Me Zebra

Titre en français : Appelez-moi Zebra
Auteur :
Van der Vliet Oloomi, Azareen


Nombre de pages : 320
Dimensions : 13,4 x 2,5 x 21,4 cm
Éditeur : Alma Books Ltd
Date d'édition : 2018-05

prix TTC :
17,95 €


After the death of her father, an exiled Iranian man of letters, the bookish twenty-two-year-old Zebra finds herself alone in New York and decides to retrace the steps of her traumatic flight with her family from their homeland in the 1980s, hoping that in the process she will be inspired to write a major manifesto on literature. Her first stop is Barcelona, where she meets the Italian Ludo, who becomes her lover, intellectual sparring partner and travelling companion in her picaresque meanderings around Catalonia.