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World According to Bob: The further adventures of one man and his street-wise cat

Titre en français : Le monde selon Bob
Auteur :
Bowen, James


Nombre de pages : 304
Dimensions : 19.8 x 2 x 13.1 cm
Éditeur : Hodder
Date d'édition : 2014-03

prix TTC :
13,95 €


« Depuis que Bob est entré dans ma vie, j'ai fait d'énormes progrès. Pendant dix ans, j'ai été toxicomane, sans-abri, et j'avais oublié ce qui était important dans la vie. Et Bob est là pour m'offrir sa sagesse et son amitié. »Ce livre raconte les nouvelles aventures de Bob le chat des rues et de son maître, un jeune sans domicile fixe. Un jour, James a recueilli Bob. Mal en point et battu, il n'aurait pas survécu si James n'avait pas dépensé ses maigres économies chez le vétérinaire. Avec l'aide de son extraordinaire chat, James a réussi à se réadapter au monde et à reprendre goût à la vie. Chaque jour, Bob lui offre des moments d'intelligence, d'humour et d'amitié. De véritables leçons sur la loyauté, la confiance et le sens du bonheur. Les nouvelles aventures d'un SDF et de son fabuleux chat des rues.

'Since Bob has appeared, I've made huge strides in my life. For more than a decade I was a homeless drug addict. I was lost to the world and had forgotten what was important in life. Now I've got myself back on my two feet, but as I put the past behind me, I'm still stepping unsteadily into the future. I still need help in the right direction. Bob is always there to offer guidance and friendship.' (James, on Bob) James and his street cat Bob have been on a remarkable journey together. In the years since their story ended in the bestselling A Street Cat Named Bob, James, with Bob's help, has begun to find his way back to the real world. Almost every day, Bob provides moments of intelligence, bravery and humour, at the same time opening his human friend's eyes to important truths about friendship, loyalty, trust - and the meaning of happiness. In The World According to Bob, the continuing tale of their life together, James shows the many ways in which Bob has been his protector and guardian angel through times of illness, hardship, even life-threatening danger. As they high five together for their crowds of admirers, James knows that the tricks he's taught Bob are nothing compared to the lessons he's learnt from his street-wise cat.